Today is World First Aid Day, designated by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to take place on the second Saturday during the month of September. To harmonize life-saving practices internationally, the IFRC developed a set of recommendations to guide the development of first aid training. These guidelines can be adapted to disasters or mass casualty situations. They are also intended to facilitate the dissemination of life-saving practices, since it has been proven that fatalities and the severity of accidents significantly decrease with widespread public knowledge of first aid. Today, local Red Cross and Red Crescent chapters worldwide will hold public events to demonstrate the benefits of first aid training for safety. You may want to check with your local Red Cross chapter to see if they will deliver a training course to you and to your employees at your workplace. And having today’s date marked on the calendar reminds me that I am due to refresh my training as it has been a little while since I did the CPR practice. I cannot imagine anything worse than seeing an emergency situation unfold and feel unprepared to help.