Thanks to the efforts of Joanna Gammel, a graduate of the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, Prisere LLC has a new website. I have already received a number of questions about the photographs that appear in the site. They are original creations. I took the background page photographs. They are meant to convey the prisere stage of the ecosystem, showing a sustainable phase of development. So I included the photographs of the redwood trees that I took at Yosemite National Park, while working with the local CERT (Community Emergency Response Team); photographs of irises and the water pond at Monet’s Garden at Giverny (my visit there will be the topic of a future blog posting); a photograph of the Garden of the Gods taken at Colorado Springs when I was there working with the local small business development center; and other pictures of disaster resilience work done in recent years that illustrate the theme of sustainability. Stefan generously shared his photograph of the Lower Manhattan skyline with the newly built World Trade Center. The site also includes links to our social media platforms. There is a lot more work to be done, but this is a good start. I welcome your feedback, which will be helpful as we build out our online presence. And let me extend my thanks once more to the incredible people at the Rhode Island School of Design, who introduced me to Joanna and helped to make this happen.