Posts Tagged ‘New Year’s Business Resolutions’

New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

Thursday, January 1st, 2015

New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

I have written down my New Year’s Resolutions for 2015. Rather than set ambitious goals, and experience disappointment when I fail to realize them, I have set fewer, more attainable goals in the hope of maintaining my resolve through December 31. I remember the old saying that having too many goals is the same as having none at all. So I set three goals for the business this year.  And while others working in the field of business continuity, such as the Institute for Business & Home Safety, advise New Year’s Resolutions to protect the business, I am taking a different approach in 2015. My resolutions all support the goal of building a platform for sustainable business growth -which, of course, results in a more resilient business, able to work through whatever disruptions may come. So I am going to improve my systems for resource management, whether the resource is time, money, man-hours or even digital assets. I expect that will reduce my level of personal stress. I am going to eliminate whatever isn’t working for me – whether it be clients whose goals no longer align with my own or toxic people who enervate me. Finally, I am going to make more time for leisure and renewal. I will proactively plan to avoid burnout by reducing my work hours and protecting my free time from those who would encroach upon it. Those are my three resolutions, inspired in part, by the work JJ Ramberg is doing on her program “Your Business” that airs Sunday mornings on MSNBC. Each week, she tries out a new resolution and sees who well she can stick to it. She has candidly disclosed that the results have been uneven. I’ll report back mid-year as to how I have fared with my three resolutions for 2015.