More than 700 people died and 347 more are missing following torrential rains and floods in China, the worst that country has experienced in a decade. The floods affected 110 million people in 27 provinces and municipalities; 8 million residents of those areas were evacuated. The Chinese government estimates direct economic losses from the flood to be $21 billion, which includes damages to more than 7 million agricultural hectares and the destruction of more than 600,000 homes. The government also reported that 287,000 military personnel had aided in the flood rescue operations. This year’s flood season, which begins in China in April, has been unusually severe. In more than 230 rivers across the country, water levels have risen above what is considered safe. Areas adjacent to the Yangtze River have experienced the worst flooding in 30 years but, according to the Chinese government, the Three Gorges Dam prevented even more severe flood damage by blocking more than 40% of the water.
I have not yet formed an opinion on whether global warming has induced permanent climate change. But it is undeniable that we are experiencing the most severe weather patterns in some time and it appears to be a global phenomenon. At a time when the recession has stretched resources thin, we are particularly vulnerable to external shocks, such as natural disasters. And public resources are inadequate to fund relief efforts. Many people will try to ease the pressure on their budgets by foregoing “non-essentials”, such as insurance, when times are tough. But that is when you need it the most. Sadly, for entrepreneurs in China, most small businesses don’t have access to adequate insurance coverage. We do, so there is no excuse for us.