Posts Tagged ‘Mummenschanz’

Resilience for the Long-Term

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015
Swiss Mime Theatre


I am looking forward to experiencing the magic of Mummenschanz this evening. I was first introduced to Mummenschanz, a Swiss mime troupe, when I was preparing to relocate to Switzerland. I made a week-long visit to Zurich to take care of immigration paperwork and check out apartments with a real estate broker. As my host was unsure of my level of proficiency in German, he planned an evening of entertainment with the world-renowned Mummenschanz troupe who were performing in Zurich that very week.  The creativity and artistry of their performances is inspiring. Happily for me, they are performing locally as part of the First Works series, aimed to connect art with audiences.

Attending this performance is part of keeping my New Year’s Resolution to take more time off to avoid entrepreneurial burnout. I had written of what it was like being in Lower Manhattan post-9/11 and of the benefits I derived from taking an afternoon off to visit an arboretum. You need to take time away and clear your mind to continue to work in a productive manner. I am starting to appreciate that even though I am no longer in a federal disaster area, I still feel some of the stress of that experience as I re-live the common elements in performing other types of disaster risk reduction and recovery work. And being self-employed has its own stresses. So after tonight’s performance, I expect to be back at my desk tomorrow morning with a clearer mind, ready to resume work.