The federal government urges small businesses to develop contingency plans to work through a possible influenza pandemic that could cause high workforce absenteeism. The White House estimates that up to half of the U.S. population could contract the new strain of flu between now and next spring. Testifying before the House Small Business Committee, Rebecca Blank, under-secretary for economic affairs of the U.S. Department of Commerce, stated that owing to fewer resources, smaller businesses would be particularly vulnerable to disruptions in their operations. While not as deadly as the avian bird flu that struck Asia, a flu outbreak could leave businesses short-staffed as employees recover. The Centers for Disease Control suggest that employees with flu-like symptoms should remain at home, out of caution, for at least 24 hours until their fevers subside which, allowing for recovery times, could prolong absences from work to three to five days. To prepare for this possibility, small businesses should cross-train employees on critical business functions. To the extent that workers can telecommute when experiencing suspicious, but not disabling, symptoms they should be encouraged to do so. Public health experts also suggest that adults under age 24 may have to be immunized twice as the flu poses a greater risk of infection to them. Advance preparation should slow the transmission of the flu virus and enhance the safety of your employees and their families.